Using This Help System
This help system provides complete application help and access to full PDF-format user guides according to your user role. It consolidates and expands the information formerly available through the "Help" and "Want to Know More?" links in the 340B application.

The Links tab on the main help menu contains links to all of the information available through the "Help" and "Want to Know More?" links in the previous 340B application.
- Topics contained in this help system will appear on the left side of the page when you click their links.
- Topics that are accessed through links to the HRSA website will display in a separate tab in your browser.
- PDF documents will display in a separate browser window.

This help system includes a full-text search function to allow you to locate help on a particular subject.
Type your search term in the space provided and click the Search button (magnifying glass).
- Click the topic title to view that topic.

Search Terms
- Searches are not case-sensitive.
To search for a specific phrase, enclose the search terms in quotation marks. For example, this search:
"contract pharmacy"
returns only the topics in which that two-word phrase appears.
- When you enter multiple topics, the search returns only the topics that contain all of the terms. (This is known as a Boolean AND search.)
- You can include Boolean operators with the search terms to perform advanced searches that include or exclude some topics based on the search terms.
Highlight Colors
When you display a topic, the search terms are highlighted. When you search on multiple terms, each matched term uses a different highlight color.
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
- Term 4
Removing Highlight Colors
To remove the highlight colors from the page, click the highlight removal button on the toolbar:
Advanced Searches (Boolean Operators)
When you run a search on more than one term, you can use Boolean operators to refine the results.

By default, a search returns only the topics that contain all of the search terms. For example, the following search terms return only the pages that contain both "contract" and "pharmacy":
contract pharmacy
Adding the Boolean AND operator in complex searches
When you perform a complex search, you can use any of these following operators to specify a Boolean AND search:
AND (not case-sensitive)
Examples of Boolean AND searches
For example, all of these searches are equivalent:
contract pharmacy
contract and pharmacy
contract AND pharmacy
contract & pharmacy
contract + pharmacy

A Boolean OR search returns all topics that contain some or all of the terms. You can use either of these operators:
OR (not case-sensitive)
For example, all of the following searches return the topics that contain the term "contract," the term "pharmacy," or both:
contract or pharmacy
contract OR pharmacy
contract | pharmacy

A Boolean NOT search excludes topics that contain one or more of the terms. You can use any of these operators:
NOT (not case-sensitive)
For example, all of the following searches return the topics that contain the term "contract" but do not include the term "pharmacy":
contract not pharmacy
contract NOT pharmacy
contract ! pharmacy
contract ^ pharmacy

Use parentheses to combine Boolean phrases and search terms. The following table lists a few examples.
Search Expression | Results Returned |
contract AND (pharmacy OR export) | Topics that contain "contract" as well as either "pharmacy" or "export." |
contract OR (pharmacy NOT export) | Topics that contain "contract" or "pharmacy." Topics that contain both "pharmacy" and "export" are excluded, however. |
contract OR (pharmacy AND export) | Topics that contain "contract" or that contain both the terms "pharmacy" and "export." |

A PDF-format 340B OPAIS The 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS) is a collection of information submitted by covered entities, contract pharmacies, and manufacturers maintained and verified by HRSA's Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA). guide for your user role is available from the Links option in the main help menu. Clicking the link will open the guide in a new browser window.

To expand a thumbnail of a screen shot to its full size, click it with the mouse cursor or tap it with your finger. Click or tap the expanded image to return it to its thumbnail size.

To return to the start page, click the HRSA logo at the top of the screen.